Lynette Tyson-Noel is a Senior Instructor in Reading at the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) and holds a Master in Education (Literacy) from Mount Saint Vincent University, Nova Scotia. Currently, she serves as Member Care Officer of the Trinidad and Tobago Association of Teacher Educators.
During her tenure at UTT, she designed two Reading courses and assisted in the revision of other foundation courses. She was chairperson of the International Development Committee for the Caribbean of the International Reading Association (IRA, now ILA) and served on other committees of that international association.
The period 2015-2016 marked her third stint as President and Research Chair of the Trinidad and Tobago Reading Association (TTRA). She has taught at all levels of the education system in Trinidad and Tobago, and facilitated workshops in primary and secondary schools here, in Barbados, Bermuda and the USA. She has presented at education conferences in Barbados, Jamaica, Guyana, and the USA. She and another colleague have published academic chapters in Caribbean and Canadian peer-reviewed journals.
Lynette Tyson-Noel is also the author of The Bus Stories (Pendium, 2017) and The Night Nopat Was Left Out (Author House, 2011); co-author and co-editor of Kaleidoscope Skills Book Two (2004) and Kaleidoscope Teacher’s Guide (2005), published by Ginn and Company. Her research interests are: Reading, Writing and Linguistic competence of struggling learners; Adolescent literacy; and Professional development of teachers. Lynette Noel is a doctoral student at the University of Trinidad and Tobago.
Her deepest joys come from being mother to her son; family and friend to all those with whom she interacts closely; seeing her students develop into responsible, literate citizens, and knowing that she is loved, guided, and protected by The Good Shepherd.