TTATE’s Poetry Competition

To commemorate World Poetry Day (March 21st),and the organisation’s /Association’s 10th anniversary, TTATE will host a poetry competition for teachers at the primary school level, highlighting their potential role as creators of indigenous and engaging literature. Objectives: To provide teachers…

TTATE Launch

black microphone in light conference hall

28 MAY, 2013 Educators all, Good evening. Let me begin by saying thanks to you for making the decision to attend this launch. You could have been anywhere else but you chose to be here instead. This, in my view,…

Introducing TTATE

The birth of the idea —– November 2011 First meeting   —————–   March 01, 2012 Founding members– Patricia Worrell; Samuel Lochan; Beular Mitchell, Sherma Joseph, Sharmila Harry; Desiree Augustin Joann Neaves Sharon Pajotte; Cheryl Bowrin; Marlene Thomas Franklyn Baldeo; Judeth Mc…