Call for Abstracts – TTATE Conference 2021



November 17 – 18, 2021

Theme: Creating Emotionally Safe Learning Communities: Teacher Educators Confronting School Violence

We invite you to submit an abstract for presentation at the TTATE Conference 2021. This conference provides an opportunity for teacher educators to share new research evidence, teaching innovations, and to discuss issues which impact education in Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean. The goals of the conference are to:
 heighten awareness of the value of teacher educators as a major stakeholder group in education
 encourage research in the field of teacher education in Trinidad and Tobago and beyond
 inform policy that addresses the needs of teacher education and teacher educators
 forge professional partnerships with other teacher education institutions or associations in the Caribbean region.

Conference Presentation Formats

 Oral Presentations: 20 – minute presentations with 10 additional minutes for questions
 Poster Presentations: Posters will be displayed at designated times throughout the conference
 Symposium (short): 1 hour 20 minutes long with at least 3 contributors

Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts

 All abstracts must be submitted electronically
 Abstracts should be limited to 250-300 words (one page only)
 You may submit as many abstracts as you wish
 Make sure that your abstracts include:
(a) title page with the author’s name, affiliation, e-mail address, and strand selected. Please note that the title page must be done on a separate page
(b) title of the study; a brief statement of methods if pertinent; a summary of the results obtained; a statement of conclusion.
 Abstracts should be aligned to at least one of the key strands of the conference.
 Abstracts will be printed in the conference programme
 All presenting authors must complete registration to ensure inclusion in the conference programme. (Registration is considered complete on payment of the conference fee).
All abstracts will be double blind reviewed.

Guidelines for paper presentations

 Paper presentations are grouped according to themes into sessions which are comprised of three presentations
 Each presenter makes a twenty-minute presentation followed by a ten-minute question and answer session
 Session Chairs are assigned to each session. They will introduce the presenter, keep time and facilitate the ensuing question and answer session
 Both individual and group presentations are permissible
 Presentations should have a clear focus and should be well-organized. Avoid including excessive details on each slide
 Ensure that information on slides can be easily read

Guidelines for Poster Design

 Posters are for discussion of the conference-related theme or strand. They are especially effective for information that can be presented visually (e.g. photos, charts, graphs, tables)
 Your poster should be no larger than A0: 1189 (width) x 841 mm (height) or 118.9 x 84.1 cm or 33.1 inches x 46.8 inches (landscape or portrait)
 Provide an overview of the key elements you wish to present about your research, including objectives, the process, outcomes or findings, implications, and references
 Utilize graphics, tables or other relevant visuals to illustrate the main points; use colour if possible
 Your poster should have a clear focus and should be well-organized in order to guide the reader through the poster
 Avoid overwhelming detail. Keep it simple, both in terms of the language and visuals used
 Ensure that information on slides can be easily read
 You may wish to prepare a handout which can be circulated beforehand
 Include the title, your name and affiliation in the display
 Consider how your poster might encourage conversation

Symposium Guidelines

 The symposium is usually organized by a chair who also moderates the session
 The symposium should focus on action research, innovative teaching, or empirical, conceptual, historical, and methodological research
 Symposium submissions should be organized around a central theme, and involve submissions from multiple presenters from different domains if possible
 The symposium should reflect work that is well advanced, and is presented in an integrated way
 Work that is just beginning (e.g., only baseline data provided) will not ordinarily be approved for symposium presentations, nor will a series of individual data presentations that do not provide an integrated view of advanced work. Presentations not reaching this level may be reassigned as posters (which may be posted together if they cover similar content)
 It is the responsibility of the symposium chair to manage the symposium session and to submit all presentations. The chair may divide the time allotted as he/she chooses but time should be allocated for opening and closing remarks, presentations, and audience interaction.


  • Confronting the multiple dimensions of school violence
  • Curriculum and emotionally safe classrooms: the nexus
  • Gender, poverty, ethnicity and their intersection with school violence
  • Vicarious Experiences of Violence
  • School Violence – the socio-psychological and academic impact
  • Creating Emotionally Safe Learning Communities
  • School violence, teacher education, societal change – the interplay

Evaluation of Abstracts

Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of the following:
 appropriateness and significance of the topic to the conference themes
 originality/significance/ potential impact of the research
 clarity/coherence of the abstract in relation to the key research questions, analytical framework(s), description of research, data collection, findings/conclusions
 importance/significance of the overarching topic and/or framework(s) addressed, along with the coherence of the individual presentations therein (this applies only to the symposium)

Important Dates:

Deadline for Submission of Abstract – June 30, 2021
Acceptance Notifications – July 31, 2021
Abstracts must be submitted via email to